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Проблемы произношения в современном английском языке

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Размещено: 23.08.2021
In the course of the research we looked at several factors that influence pronunciation problems in modern English. Namely: 1) English dialects 2) Spanglish 3) Phonetic borrowings 4) English slang 5) Internet slang

In the modern world, English is an integral part of most people's lives. Many countries speak it. That is why it is so popular among those who want to start studying it. Thanks to him, we can freely communicate with others in other countries, just travel, avoiding difficulties in understanding. Also, this language is often welcomed if you are going to get a high-paying job. However, not all so simple. Most of those who learn this language or are a native speaker often make mistakes in pronunciation. Pronunciation is an important part of the English language. If you put it incorrectly, then you may encounter difficulties in communication and understanding. Therefore, it is necessary to devote enough time to him in order to make fewer mistakes or not make them at all. The relevance of this work is determined by the fact that to this day the world is full of people who have problems in pronunciation when learning English. The object of the research is the problems of pronunciation in modern English. The subject of the research is the factors that negatively affect pronunciation in modern English. The aim of the work is to consider what are the problems of pronunciation in modern English. To achieve this aim, we need to complete the following tasks: 1) Study the history of the English language and its meaning in the modern world; 2) Reveal the role and features of pronunciation in modern English; 3) Consider pronunciation problems in modern English; 4) Mark the factors that negatively affect the correct; 5) Analyze the studied material and draw a conclusion on it. The research is based on the materials about phonetics and pronunciation in English. And also sources were used that had information about the factors affecting the correct pronunciation.

INTRODUCTION 4 1. ENGLISH IN THE MODERN WORLD AND ITS PRONUNCIATION 5 1.1 History of the development of the English language 5 1.2 The importance of the English language in the modern world 6 1.2.1 Varieties of English 7 1.3 The role of pronunciation in modern English 8 1.3.1 Features of pronunciation in English 9 1.3.2 Problems of pronunciation in modern English 10 2. FACTORS NEGATIVELY AFFECTING PRONUNCIATION IN MODERN ENGLISH 13 2.1 Dialects as the first factor that negatively affects correct pronunciation 13 2.2 Spanglish as the second factor that negatively affects correct pronunciation 17 2.3 Phonetic borrowings as a third factor that negatively affects correct pronunciation 18 2.4 English slang as the fourth factor negatively affecting correct pronunciation 20 2.5 Internet slang as the fifth factor negatively affecting correct pronunciation 22 CONCLUSION 24 REFERENCES 25
Список литературы

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Отрывок из работы

1. ENGLISH IN THE MODERN WORLD AND ITS PRONUNCIATION 1.1 History of the development of the English language English is the generally accepted language of almost any international communication, be it in the field of business, education, cooperation and simply human interpersonal relations. The history of the development of the English language is divided, as accepted by linguists, into 3 periods: • Old English (450-1100 AD) • Middle English (1100-1500) • Modern English (1500 – present) Old English (450-1100 AD) The history of the emergence of the English language began with the invasion of three Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons, Jutes) into the territory of Celtic Britain at the beginning of the 5th century AD. The new language quickly supplanted most of the local Celtic dialects, some of which moved along with the native speakers to Scotland, Cornwell and Wales. The English language itself has retained elements of vocabulary and grammar in common with the group of Germanic languages. And the collision with the Vikings led to the simplification of many grammatical constructions.
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